
Losing Weight With The Help of These 3 Superfoods

By Joi Nimmo

Do you want to lose weight naturally? Superfoods can help you with that. It's only fairly recently that science is catching up with nature, what with the numerous scientific studies being done. Hundreds of years ago, people were aware of foods that were beneficial to them even without all these scientific studies. What they did was pass on this knowledge from one generation to the next. With superfoods, you'll be hitting two birds with one stone: you'll lose weight and you'll be healthy in the process.

Is yogurt one of your favorite foods? You're in luck because it's regarded as a superfood that promotes weight loss. A must-have for a good weight loss program. It is high in calcium which is good for the bones and promotes better digestion due its good bacteria content.

In one particular study, non-fat yogurt was fed to a control group. Results showed that the control group lost close to 25% more weight compared to the other group. After consuming non-fat yogurt for 3 months, the study showed that the individuals in the control group lost about 60% more fat without losing muscle mass. This, according to researchers, is due to the high bio-assimilable calcium levels found in yogurt. You'll find yogurts with the probiotic label. This means good bacteria were added to the yogurt.

One of the riches sources of nutrition you can find is the whole grain called quinoa. You may not find it in some stores but it's out there and available. Just like Kefir, quinoa is a very old grain that has existed in old countries for hundreds if not thousands of centuries. Quinoa is an excellent nutritional source of fiber, iron, protein, and Vitamin E. Also, keep in mind that quinoa has been eaten throughout history when people needed whole food. Fad dieting didn't exist back in these times. With such nutrients as fiber, selenium, probiotics, and Vitamin E, quinoa may help with weight control.

Berries are powerful superfoods that will help you reach your weight loss goals. So eat more berries! When it comes to nutrient densities, not all berries are the same; some are nutrient dense than others. In any case, they're all healthy for you and they're delicious as well. Berries are high in antioxidants, phytonutrients, and prebiotic factors to promote probiotic growth. Berries are naturally sweet, so eating them will definitely help whenever you're craving for sweets. Phenols, which are antioxidant compounds, are found in abundance in berries. They kill the free radicals and also the bad bacteria in the gut that compete with the good bacteria. Berries help you lose weight because they positively support healthy digestion and elimination.

It's a good idea to look into what nature is offering because fad approaches to weight loss aren't effective. There are a lot of plant superfoods that help promote better metabolism so your body burns fat more efficiently. They are also great at fighting unhealthy cells in the body. With superfoods, you can have a healthy diet that not only will help you lose weight but restore your natural vigor as well.

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