
The Best Workout for Fat Burning

Take a look around your average gym. You will notice people doing various forms of exercise and cardio training.
What you will NOT notice is people doing more than one style of cardio training. In fact 95% of people at the gym will stick to one form of cardio exercise. Whether its long slow boring cardio, sustained cardio at a faster pace or high intensity interval training.
What these very people fail to realize is that in order to get the best workout for burning fat you have to combine different styles of cardio.
Now first lets take an in-depth look at the different types of cardio practitioners:
Bodybuilders believe that medium or high intensity cardio burns muscle tissue so they resort to long slow boring cardio on an empty stomach to burn fat. The upside of this type of cardio is that it effectively uses fat as a fuel source. The downside with this format is that because the intensity is so low you burn relatively few calories even when exercising for long periods of time.
Traditional Cardio Junkies only do lengthy cardio at a quicker pace for 20, 30, or 45 minutes successive at hopes to burn off any extra calories they ate that day. This kind of training burns more calories than low intensity cardio but most of the calories burned are from carbohydrates. After a cardio workout in this nature your body wants to refill all of the depleted carbohydrates. As a result your body naturally craves sugar. This is why most people that do this kind of cardio never lose any fat. They burn 400+ calories or so only to eat it all back.
Interval Training Fanatics swear by high intensity interval training as the only acceptable form of cardio. They see lower intensity cardio as a complete waist of time. HIIT is amazing at:
1. Increasing your metabolic rate
2. Elevating your bodies natural fat burning hormones (Human Growth Hormone)
3. Triggering the release of your bodies fat cells into your bloodstream.
The only downside is that if this type of training is not followed by additional exercise all of those fat cells that were released into the bloodstream crawl right back into the fat deposits.
So What is the Best Workout for Burning Fat?
5-10 minutes of a warming up - jump rope, light jogging or dynamic exercises
HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING on a treadmill, recumbent bike, rower, or stair-mill: 12-16 minutes total of short burst of intense exercise alternated with periods of active rest
LOW INTENSITY CARDIO: 20-30 minutes of slow and steady cardio such as walking on a treadmill at 4mph with a 3 degree incline.
How does it work?
The intense exercise forces your body into a fat burning state. Most people call it a workout here and let the released fat cells go right back into your bodies fat deposits. Not us. Were going to exploit the fat burning state we're in and follow the intervals with low intensity cardio to burn off as much fat as possible.
Interval Workout Options: These are just a few options. Feel free to experiment with your own work to rest ratio's.
1. 30 seconds of work / 90 seconds of rest x 8 times = 16 minutes
2. 30 seconds work / 60 seconds rest x 10 = 15 minutes
3. 30 seconds work / 30 seconds rest x 12 = 12 minutes
4. 60 seconds work / 120 seconds rest x 5 = 15 minutes
5. 60 seconds work / 90 seconds rest x 6 = 15 minutes
6. 60 seconds work / 60 seconds rest x 7 = 14 minutes
Workout Notes:
No food three hours before the workout for maximal fat burning effect. As a result of doing your workout in a fasted state your going to burn up to 3x more fat. I also recommend not eating for at least one hour after your workout. The high intensity intervals boost your bodies natural fat burning hormones (HGH). Once you put food in your body your insulin levels increase and your HGH levels decline.
If performing intervals on a treadmill with less than 60 seconds rest than put your feet on the sides of the treadmill during the resting portion. It will take too long to switch speed. For the intervals only use a machine that you can really push yourself on.
Lastly if doing the intervals on a treadmill you can build up to your max speed. So if your doing 60 seconds of exercise alternated with 60 seconds of walking and your max speed for 60 seconds is 10mph then you can do your first interval at 7mph and increase the speed by 0.5mph every interval.
Greg O'Gallagher is a top Fitness Coach and male model. His goal is to help other guys transform their lives by building the body of their dreams. He runs a top fitness website dedicated towards building the ideal lean, fit and muscular physique. He is giving a way a free video on Building the Body of a Greek God

Add These Foods To Your Diet For Weight Loss

Why do we eat? The most basic reason is hunger, however with the growing rate of obesity this shows us that people eat for more reasons than just hunger. People eat out of boredom, loneliness, hunger, or deprivation. All of which can lead to excessive overeating and added weight gain. By choosing the right foods to eat when you are actually hungry you can limit cravings to eat for these other reasons. Superfoods contain essential nutrients that the body needs to properly function. When the body is functioning optimally it will speed up your metabolism, boosting calorie burning, making it easier to lose weight. Superfoods contain fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals, which play a role in how your body responds to calorie absorption and fat cells. Superfoods tend to be lower in calories and take the body longer to digest. This leaves you feeling fuller for longer, giving you less reasons to eat unneeded calories. They also provide the body with a steady flow of energy, keeping the metabolism working to burn more calories. By adding these foods into your breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks you can lose weight and feel great.
Apples- Apples are great for weight loss. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Apples are low in calories, low in sodium and high in fiber, which keeps the body feeling full while providing a stable source of energy. The low sodium in apples helps to prevent excess water retention in the body, which can lead to higher weight on the scale. Apples nutrient content such as the enzymes it contains help to digest food more efficiently thereby eliminating unwanted fats from the body. Pectin one of the fibers in apples drains out cholesterol from the bloodstream thereby managing blood cholesterol levels. Apples fiber also helps to slow the absorption of carbohydrates, the foods most notably known to be stored in fat cells. Eating an apple a day can help to reduce the number of calories you consume per day.
Lentils- These small legumes pack a real big punch against weight gain. Lentils are high in folic acid, iron, magnesium, fiber and protein. Lentils are a low fat protein, which is a prefect substitute for meat. Plus their fiber content alone will satisfy hunger and reduce ones appetite. The soluble fiber in lentils lowers blood cholesterol by binding to bile. This forces the body to use cholesterol as a replacement, thereby stabilizing blood sugars. Lentils also contain resistant starch which shrinks fat cells; smaller fat cells means less fat.
Wild Salmon- Wild salmon as opposed to farm raised is recommended for weight loss because it's low in calories, low in saturated fat and high in protein. Protein is needed to build muscle and muscle burns more calories than fat, more muscle in the body more calories burned equals weight loss. Wild salmon also contains omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3's improve insulin sensitivity, helping the body build muscle and decrease belly fat. Omega 3's also alter gene expression meaning it acts like a light switch telling the body to burn fat rather than to store it.
Quinoa- Most people have no idea what quinoa is. Often categorized as a grain or a legume, it is low in calories high in essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fiber, and protein. Quinoa is actually a complete protein. It contains all the essential amino acids to build muscle. Plus its fiber content satisfies hunger, and keeps you felling full. Dietary fiber binds to fat and cholesterol so the body excretes it rather than absorbs it. The iron and vitamin B12 content helps to boost energy production, which is needed for weight loss. Quinoa's low glycemic index balances blood sugar making it easier for you to avoid temptation and diminish cravings.
Eggs- Although most people only eat them for breakfast, eggs are a great food for weight loss. High in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and proteins, eggs help to build muscle, which in turn helps to burn fat. Eggs also contain a compound called choline, which is needed for all cell function but also helps to block fat absorption. Eggs help to control hunger and foods cravings and will make you feel fuller for longer.
Yogurt- Yogurt is a healthy combination of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. This combination staves off hunger by keeping blood sugar levels steady. Yogurt also contains a healthy dose of calcium. Calcium signals fat cells to stop pumping out cortisol. This lowers the production of cortisol, a hormone linked to belly fat. The protein in yogurt helps to burn fat and repair and rebuild muscle. The carbohydrates replace muscle energy stores so they don't get stored as fat.
Olive oil- Olive oil like salmon contain monounsaturated fats which switch gene expression on to fat burning. This enhances the body's ability to burn stored fats in the body. Using olive oil in meals increases satiety, taming appetite, decreasing the amount of food to make you feel full. It also is a natural anti-inflammatory, which decreases bad cholesterol without harming good cholesterol.
Kiwi- Although peculiar in size, shape, color and taste, this small fruit is loaded with nutrients. Kiwis are high in fiber, both soluble and insoluble, low in calories and high in vitamin C. Vitamin C helps form carnitine, which plays an essential role in burning fat. Kiwi's dietary fiber reduces cholesterol and fills you up suppressing the appetite. Its insoluble fiber aids in digestion, decreasing the time it takes for stool to be excreted. The soluble fiber provides bulk making you feel fuller. Even though it's small it provides the body with a powerful tool to combat weight gain.
Sweet Potatoes- Sweet potatoes unlike most other vegetables are higher in calorie content but are worth all of them. Sweet potatoes contain resistant starch, which produces compounds to signal to the brain to stop eating. The bulk in sweet potatoes fills the stomach so you feel full. Carotenoids in sweet potatoes stabilize blood sugar levels and lowers insulin resistance. When cells respond to insulin they can build muscle and reduce fat stored in the belly. Even though they are higher in calories its reasonable because they are fat free.
Graduated with a BA in exercise science and have worked in the medical field since. My focus is alternative medicine however all aspects of health interest me. Check out my health website!

Best Healthy Diet For Weight Loss

People who have weight problems and are starting to shed some fats are worrying about what is the best healthy diet for weight loss. Are they eating enough protein? Are they taking high calorie foods? Is this wrong for me, or is that bad for me? With all the books scattered around it's hard to tell what's correct and what's wrong. Below we will give you a few simple tips that you can use for your weight loss diet. We have to be reminded always that food should be enjoyed. Without overindulging or eating too much of a bad thing you should be able to enjoy your meals.
Traditionally, there are three basic approaches to weight loss through nutritional supplementation. The first is the use of diuretic herbs and nutrients to reduce water retention. The second is the use of lipotropic vitamins, which have the ability to reduce cholesterol and fat. Third is the use of natural appetite suppressants. Permanent weight loss, however, requires a lifetime commitment to a healthier lifestyle in general.. Let us now proceed to some of our recommended tips.
1. Always eat breakfast. It jump-starts the metabolism at the beginning of the day. Eat small but nutrient-dense meals every three to four hours throughout the day to keep your metabolism stable, to maintain a full feeling, to avoid wide swings in blood sugar. Good choices might include a 2-ounce portion of protein food (beans, an egg, poultry) with ½ cup of fresh salad dressed with apple cider vinegar, or ½ cup of a steamed vegetable with some type of grain (1/2 cup brown rice or a piece of whole-or multigrain bread).
2. Don't skip meals. This only intensifies hunger and food cravings.
3. Make your main meal lunch, not dinner. Some people have had excellent results consuming no food after 3pm.
4. At meals, put less food on your plate. Chew slowly. Stop eating as soon as you no longer hungry don't wait until you feel full.
5. Eat foods raw, if possible. If foods are heated, they should be baked, broiled, steamed, or boiled. Never consume fried or greasy foods.
6. Consume the following foods in moderation: apples, brown rice, buckwheat, chestnuts, corn, grapes, oatmeal, white potatoes, and yellow vegetables. These foods contain small amounts of essential fatty acids, but they should not be overused.
7. Eat more complex carbohydrates that also offer protein, such as tofu, lentils, plain baked potatoes no toppings, except for vegetables sesame seeds, beans, brown rice, whole grains, skinless turkey or chicken breast, and white fish no shellfish. Poultry and fish should be broiled or baked, never fried.
Finally, see to it that your choices of meals are base on a program that will lead to weight loss and be sure to drink 4 to 6liters of water daily and also incorporate exercise in your daily routine. You don't have to force yourselves to incorporate these tips into your daily routine right away, start slow and learn to adapt them. The best healthy diet for weight loss is all about practicing the right diet. So how do you lose weight? The number one recommended program is to use a well-structured weight loss program (Strip That Fat Program) that you can easily follow day by day. It is already proven that a balanced diet, exercise, together with your goal to Loss Weight is a great way to be healthier lifestyle.
For more weight loss information and reviews of Proven Weight Loss Program and Products visit Strip That Fat Review 101 Blog. Find detailed product reviews:

Easy Exercise Tips For Beginners

Are you also one of those enthusiastic, impatient people that start exercising big style, only to end up being sore the next day? This is easy to do, but also a sure way of becoming frustrated and giving up the whole project.
Having a little extra weight around the waistline is incentive enough to want to work it off, but as you start, be honest with yourself about what level of fitness you are at.
As you begin exercising after a period (long or short) of more or less sedentary life, it's essential to start off slowly, and get the feel of how your body responds to exercise this time. Listen to your body and get to know what it needs.
Good first exercises
Stretching exercises, like yoga, are a good first exercise. Stretching takes the stiffness out of your body, which makes it easier for you to feel comfortable with your following workout routines.
Even starting off with easy exercises, that maybe doesn't feel like it's "for real", is an excellent way of laying a foundation for future, more fat-burning and challenging exercises. After doing some easy stuff for a while you will feel your body "crave" a heavier workout.
Then, as you get fitter and the workout routine feels easier you will be ready to move on to more challenging and more fat burning exercises. Get to know where your comfort zone is and try to workout a little bit over that. That's how you will lose weight and get fitter. Otherwise you are mostly maintaining your current level.
Most important is that you find workout routines you like. Nothing will have you postpone your exercise more than "looking forward" to something boring. When it's something you look forward to with enthusiasm you will always find the time and place to do it. If it's boring, you will only find all sorts of excuses as to why you can't make it, at least not this time.
The ultimate solution is an exercise that doesn't feel like "exercise", either because it's something that is a natural part of your every day life, like walking to your job, or because it's something that you really enjoy doing.
Every physical activity that makes you burn calories strengthens your muscles, and a good stretch is good for your overall sense of wellbeing.
One of the easiest and best exercises is walking. There are more benefits to walking for weight loss than the amount of calories you burn, so try using your legs as a means of transportation as often as you can.
Most exercises aren't that thrilling to start with, but that's only because your body is not used to them. Beware of aches and pains. It's only natural if it feels a bit heavy to start with, but if your exercise hurts, stop it!
Taking it easy to start with increases the possibilities that you will be sticking to your exercises for a long time, and enjoying them!

How To Burn Stubborn Belly Fat

If you would like to learn how to burn stubborn belly fat you have made already a wise decision.
Do you know that losing stubborn belly fat is one of the most important steps you can take to stay healthy for life.
A flat stomach is the ultimate symbol of a sex god
Most people are dead wrong when it comes to things like losing belly fat, abs training.
They think that exercices are the number one solution.
True exercices will help you but if you want to lose stubborn belly fat you will have to eat right.
I hope you are still interested read on and discover four secret methods to burn stubborn belly fat.
Method 1 # HIIT.
HIIT stands for high intensity interval training.
You don't have to spend hours in the gym or on your home trainer to lose stubborn belly fat.
Spend 15 minutes a day three times a week on HIIT and you will burn belly fat like never before.
The concept of HIIT is very simple do cardio exercices with a low intensity level
varied with cardio exercices with a high level of intensity.
Perhaps you don't realise it but you know already a few HIIT exercices.
- Spinning.
- Sprinting.
Let's say that you would like to start with sprinting if you want do HIIT.
The best way to do it is jog for a few minutes, sprint, jog again and so on.
Remember this is high intensity training don't cross the 15 minutes border.
Method 2 # Foods that burn stubborn belly fat.
You can do the best exercices in the world you will not lose belly fat with the right eating habits.
To help you out I give you a list with seven foods that burn stubborn belly fat.
- Eggs contain a high level of vitamin b12 and this vitamin helps your body to boost your metabolism rate.
- brown rice.
- mangoes.
- peppers
- radishes
- tomatoes
- cucumber.
Method 3 # Do not buy ab gadgets.
Also I have spend my hard earned money on abdominal gadgets and they don't work.
They don't work if you want to lose stubborn belly fat and they don't help you to get a six pack ab.
Sure the models on the tv commercial do have some great sexy abs
but the truth is that they are spending hours and hours in the gym each day.
If you really want to spend some money buy an subscription and spend some dollars on education material.
Method 4 # breakfast like a king.
Do you know the saying:
Breakfast like a king
Lunch like a prince
sup like a pauper.
This is true if you want to lose stubborn belly fat your breakfast should be your major meal instead of lunch.
Actually the quote above is not written by fitness experts you should eat every three hours.
Breakfast is not the first thing you should do in the morning the first thing you should do is cardio training.
If you are a big fan of cereal products do not forget to add milk to it.
I hope you learned something from this article about how to lose stubborn belly fat.
Keep in mind that you will have to make some changes in your live
but I can tell you it is worth the effort.
Discover the truth about abs and belly fat [].
Crunches, leg raises and set ups are uneffective.
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Benefits of Weight Loss Exercises

People who are overweight are usually advised to start doing weight loss exercises. This is because of the benefits that these people gain from weight loss exercises. First of all body exercises are known to keep off diseases. Most of these diseases are associated with being overweight. This is because of the unhealthy accumulation of fat in the body. Therefore, by reducing some of the weight through weight loss exercises, you can keep most diseases at bay.
Weight loss exercises are known to strengthen heart muscles. This is because as you exercise your heart beats fast and strong. This is essential exercise that helps reduce blood pressure. In addition, weight loss exercises reduce fat around the heart and blood vessels. This reduces the risk of having a heart attack or a stroke. Weight loss exercises keep away heart disease do not need to be intense. They can be simple body exercises such as walking that can even be done by the elderly.
Diabetes is also a major problem in the modern world due to all the unhealthy lifestyles people have adopted. However, for those who have diabetes already, body weight exercises can help them manage the disease. Therefore, these body weight exercises are not only beneficial for keeping off diseases. If you already have a disease condition, you should consult with your doctor. You might just find out that you can manage your health and keep the disease under control.
Obesity is a significant problem among many people in the developed countries. Being obese is associated with so many other problems. Therefore, body exercises are advised in order to reduce body fat and keep off obesity. However, bodybuilding exercises are not effective on their own to reduce obesity. It is essential that you take the right diet, as well. You should take a diet that is rich in proteins that will help you stay energized during bodybuilding exercises.
Many people who work in the office or in jobs that require them to sit down for long usually end up with back pains. This considerably reduces their productivity at work and home. Therefore, stretching exercises are useful for such people. This is because it helps strengthens the muscles and increases flexibility. There are also specific back exercises that are designed to reduce back-pain. In addition, research shows that your posture is highly essential in controlling back-pain.
Body exercises are also known to improve self-esteem. This is because as you exercise, you reduce weight and hence you will feel great. Regular body exercises are also known to release endorphins in the body that help improve your mood. Therefore, body exercises helps you reduce and cope with stress and depression. If you feel depressed or sad for some reason, you can try some body weight exercises to improve your mood.
Finally, body weight exercises are known to improve bone formation. This is because they help strengthen the bones. This helps prevent diseases such as osteoporosis. However, it is advised that such body weight exercises should be accompanied by a diet rich in calcium. This will lead to the best results and improved bone stability.
Kelly Parton is the author of this article on Body Weight Exercises.
Find more information, about Abdominal exercises here

Four Foods to Avoid During Weight Loss!

If you have decided to indulge yourself in an effective weight loss program, it is necessary to put in all the required efforts to reach the success you yearn for. When you are fully focused on the specific weight loss plan you've designed, there may be some unwanted foods entering your diet that could lead to unpleasant results.
If you are not aware of your dietary habits, you could be eating foods that are reducing the progress instead of helping it. These foods could reverse the outcome expected from an effective weight loss program to a negative one. The top four foods which destroy weight loss efforts are listed below.
1. Low Fat Yogurt
The much popular low fat yogurt is not that beneficial as it seems because its varieties have been proven to be unhealthy. It causes blood glucose levels to vary abnormally. It is advisable to choose Greek yogurt, which has higher protein content and lower sugar level that does not affect the blood glucose levels to a great extent.
Also, Greek yogurt contains many beneficial probiotics as it is packed with calcium and natural bacterial cultures. It is a smart choice for people who believe that a low-carbohydrate diet would result in a successful weight loss program.
2. Cereal Bars
The second food that should be avoided as much as possible, is the cereal bar. Cereal bars are quite artificial and lack the required amount of nutrients. The coconut is used as an additive sweetener which contains a heavy dose of fat per serving, hence, harmful for the body. These bars do not provide the sufficient nutrients required for your muscles to repair and build themselves.
Home-made granola bars would be preferable than buying harmful cereal bars from your local stores. The beauty of these granola bars is the option of creating a high energy snack by carefully selecting your ingredients and omitting excess sugars.
3. Bran Cereal
Eating a bowl of bran cereal early in morning is very common among people but its harmful effects are frequently ignored. The problem with bran cereal is that it contains far too much sugar that has a very negative effect in your weight loss program. Thus, it would be preferred if oatmeal is consumed instead of bran cereal.
The general public dislike eating oatmeal due to its mild taste. However, it is important to note that a bowl of oatmeal a day can reduce the cholesterol level and lower the risk of heart disease. This is because of its soluble fibre content as well as the beta-glucan in the oats.
4. Frozen Dinners
Many people fancy frozen dinners because of the portion control they'll offer, but it is true that they contain very little fiber and protein, hence do not contribute to a balanced diet. Frozen foods also contain an unacceptably high level of salt which can increase the risk of high blood pressure.
If frozen dinner is added to your diet plan, then it will be a good idea to toss in some grilled chicken and vegetables for extra protein and carbohydrates. This ensures that your body has a well-balanced meal.
It is essential to skim through your diet plan and see if any of these foods are present that could be the reason for not achieving the results you're going for. It is also beneficial to examine all the items on your plate before consuming them because your daily meals play a big role in your weight loss program.
Now that you understand what I am saying, I have a special time limited bonus for you. A few months back, I accidentally discovered a Chinese Weight Loss manual in my grandmother's antique box.
This is a family heritage that has been passed down for 3 generations to the women in the family so that they can practice this routine and continue on the family tradition.
The contents were written in traditional Chinese characters and it took me almost forever to have it translated properly. This "special" weight loss document contains meal plans which are easy to follow that will guarantee you to lose 10 lbs over the weekend.
Warning: I am not conducting a charity event so I do not intend to give away my family secrets for long. Consider yourself lucky if the manuscript is still here. Go to

Simple Advice For Weight Loss

With the growing obesity epidemic and the host of diet plans, supplements, and advice circling the internet it is making it increasingly harder to find a plan that actually works, and because of all of that advice it might even be contributing to potential failure of that plan.
How is that even possible?
Simply put, stress.
Stress is one of the causes of weight gain, and the weight gained from increased stress is much harder to lose and to make matters worse, it usually concentrates around your mid-section.
This 'stress' can be work related, it can be brought on by a relation ship, and can even be triggered by working out too much.
That's correct, too much exercise can stress your body causing it to gain weight.
How does it happen?
Well, our bodies have tremendous abilities, and it can regulate itself no matter what the situation it finds itself in. From releasing Leptin to suppress hunger, and releasing growth hormone after the onset of physical activity, our endocrine system really works to regulate a lot of our everyday processes.
So how does stress cause us to gain weight?
When our bodies get into these stressful situations the endocrine system releases a hormone called cortisol.
Cortisol is one of the nastier hormones in our bodies, and one would wonder why we even have such a hormone flowing about ourselves.
Some of the side effects of this hormone include suppressing the immune system, decreased bone formation, and weight gain. Even if someone is exposed to a prolonged period of stress it could lead to psychological changes as well.
How can someone combat this hormone from wreaking havoc on our bodies?
Find the finer things in this world that make you smile, laugh, and feel happy as there isn't any diet plan on the market that will beat biology. No amount of food or supplements will stand in the way of mother nature as she will have her way.
The best advice you can get when it comes to dieting and weight loss is 'smile'. Happiness and enjoyment from life's little pleasures hold the key to your success.
Make new friends, travel, join clubs, play sports- all of those things are your ticket to a sleeker sexier you, and if you find yourself fretting over the diet plan you chose then pick a different one. The rigors of this world shouldn't constantly weigh in on your well-being, so the next time you find yourself in a stressful situation hit it head on by flashing those pearly whites. It will do wonders for your success.
If you found this article helpful then check out Eating To Lose for more free information on dieting, nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle.
Check out for more free information daily about the foods you should be eating to lose weight, new workouts to try, and some lifestyle changes you can make to help promote your weight loss.

Sleep and Weight Loss

Are you getting enough sleep?  Did you know that sleep and weight loss are linked?
Several studies have linked sleep and weight loss. If you sleep less than six hours a night, you increase your chances of being overweight or obese. The consequences of being obese are significant.  Obesity is strongly related to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even some cancers.
Which comes first? Does the lack of sleep lead to obesity or does obesity lead to a lack of sleep? It turns out they feed off of each other.
  • A lack of sleep increases your time awake and therefore increases your chances of eating. Unless you sleep walk, you can't eat while you are sleeping. The midnight snack was invented by people who were awake at midnight.
  • Sleeping less may affect hormones that monitor feelings of hunger and fullness. If your body's signaling devices are telling you that you're hungry more often or affecting when you feel full, you will find it more difficult to eat and drink fewer calories.
  • A lack of sleep may lower a person's basal metabolic rate so that they burn fewer calories than a similar person who sleeps more. That's right! Your body is slowing down in it's bid to recover from the previous day with inadequate sleep.
  • Sleeping deprivation lowers your energy during the day which will lower your desire to exercise. Who wants to exercise when they can barely keep their eyes open or when they would rather take a nap on the couch because they didn't get enough sleep?
  • Unfortunately, your weight gain may hinder your sleep. The excess weight can inhibit your breathing and lower the amount of oxygen you get as you sleep. Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea are more common in obese people than in normal weight persons. Sleep apnea is a disorder that can lead to heart and lung issues.
You may have created a vicious circle. You gain weight as you get less sleep and you find it more difficult to sleep as you gain weight. What can you do about? Below are five tips that may help you sleep more than seven hours a night.
  1. Don't drink caffeine, eat chocolates or eat foods high in sugar after 2:00 in the afternoon. Yes 2:00 PM is arbitrary. Experiment with a cutoff time, but remember, caffeine and sugars will keep you awake.
  2. Don't watch television in bed and turn off your computer and cell phone an hour before going to sleep. Sound and visual stimuli bombard us. It is difficult to rest when your brain is still wired to your electronics. Turn them off and either read, talk or meditate.
  3. Experiment with when you exercise. Try it in the morning and see if it increases your energy and helps you sleep. Or try it at night after dinner and see if that helps with sleep. Either way, exercise as it will use energy, burn calories and reduce stress.
  4. Don't sleep in on weekends. If you can stay consistent with your sleep times on weekends, you will have a better chance of getting to sleep on Sunday night.
  5. Turn your brain off. Write down the items you need to tackle and place them in a drawer for the next morning. Meditate or practice deep breathing and let go of the day's problems. They will still be there in the morning. You can either tackle them refreshed or fatigued.

7 Simple Weight Loss Principles To Naturally Lose Up To 5 Pounds A Week

Don't think it's possible to lose up to 5 pounds a week... without pills, fasting, decreasing calories too much, and crazy fad dieting? Well, if you follow these 7 simple weight loss principles that I practiced on a daily basis that got me AMAZING results, then you'll see how possible it truly is to get fast results... without the consequences.
1. You're Throwing Away Your Hard Work By...
Not getting enough sleep! I don't think most people who are trying to lose weight realize how important it is to get enough sleep. So much focus is placed on diets and exercise plans... and not on the basic human function of sleeping.
Getting enough sleep (7-8 hours) will do wonders for your body in regards to improving your overall health, losing weight, increasing your energy levels, decreasing stress, and more! In fact, you could literally burn up to 500 calories if you get an average of 7-8 hours of rest nightly!
2. You'll Find It Easier To Eat Healthier If You...
Start your day off eating healthy! First, NEVER skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast is a surefire way to binge later on in the day and it is a surefire way to have super strong craving urges.
If you start your day off eating healthy and nutrient dense foods (such as protein and fiber), not only will you physically be more likely to avoid unhealthy foods later on in the day, you'll also be more stronger mentally to avoid bad foods.
3. The Best Time Of Day To Workout Is...
In the morning! Why is that? Well, if you do some type of fitness first thing in the morning before you eat, what calories are being burned if you haven't ate anything yet? That's right... you'll burn off stored body fat!
4. You Definitely Should Eat Your Fruits And Veggies... BUT...
Take it easy with fruit. Although fruit is obviously very healthy for you, it's important that you don't overdo it. The reason why is because some fruits have a good amount of sugar and calories (such as bananas for example).
As far as veggies are concerned, eat PLENTY of them! Vegetables (especially dark green leafy veggies) are very nutrient dense and have very low calories. In fact, with some vegetables, you'll burn more calories than the vegetable itself just by eating them!
5. The Most Effective Type Of Cardio To Do Is...
High intensity interval training. H.I.I.T is combining low intensity cardio and high intensity cardio into one. I'm not going to get into all the scientific mumble jumble about why this type of exercising is so effective. Basically, the reason this type of fitness is so effective is because you are combining the benefits of both high intensity and low intensity exercising into one. This in turn burns off a turn of calories, burns off fat, increases your metabolism, increases your energy, and MAINTAINS muscle tissue!
6. What's More Effective To Lose Weight Fast: Cardio Or Building Muscle?
Believe it or not, building muscle is more effective because you'll burn calories during AND after you workout. What better way to lose a lot of quickly than exercising at one point of the day and still burn off calories later on?!
7. One Of The Most Guaranteed Ways To Lose Weight Fast Is Right Under Your Nose...
Water! If you drink a minimum of 1/2 your body weight in ounces of fresh water every day, you'll lose water weight, you'll detox your body, you'll build muscle more effectively, you'll increase your natural energy levels, you'll decrease hunger pangs and cravings, and so much more!
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Cardio and Weight Loss

Cardio is a great ally in the difficult task of weight loss. If somebody wants to lose weight, he or she probably has a weight which is above the recommended healthy level. And being overweight is not healthy at all. Being overweight can cause many problems and one of those problems is heart related problems.
Similarly, being under the recommended healthy weight is not good for you. If you stay in any of these dangerous weight zones for too long, many problems may occur. This is because we have to maintain our weight between the normal values as well as practicing physical exercises to keep our bodies functioning and healthy.
Excessive body weight can cause heart problems. Like a car needs its engine, we need our heart. With this in mind, we therefore need to protect our heart and avoid unhealthy habits that may affect our health. Additionally, physical exercise will maintain our health as well as our heart.
We can even find some of the best cardio for weight loss in order to reduce our weight in a healthy way on the internet and by practicing cardio exercises we will be helping our heart and our body.
There are some of the best cardio exercises for losing weight:
Swimming: swimming is a very good cardio exercise in order to lose weight and to keep you healthy. Swimming allows you to exercise your entire body and it is an excellent way to lose weight. Swimming is among the best cardio for weight loss. Additionally, this type of physical exercise doesn't cause any injury relating bones or joints, because you will be exercising in the water with reduced resistance.
Running: You don't need any kind of special equipment for this exercise, however you will need a good pair of trainers in order to prevent any kind of damage to your bones or joints. Also, you will need comfortable clothes so you can move without any problem. Running will help you losing weight by burning calories, though of course you can't run only five or ten minutes - you will have to run around half an hour each time. A good tip is to listen to music or run with someone else as this will help you keep motivated to run further even if you are tired.
Cycling: By cycling at least thirty minutes a day you will improve your endurance and lose weight. Cycling is a very simple activity and an effective exercise to lose weight. Additionally, you can practice this exercise by going to work or school by bicycle. You just have to be creative and find the best way to incorporate your best cardio for weight loss exercises in your day to day activities.
These are only three of the best cardio for weight loss exercises that you can undertake in order to be healthier, to lose weight and to improve your physical skills such as endurance and strength.
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Effective Weight Loss Strategies

We are a nation that is obsessed with dieting. Statistics indicate that 50% of all American women are on a diet at any given time. The percentage of men dieting is 25%. Americans spent over 70 billion dollars in 2011 on weight loss related services and products. Approximately 95% of all dieters regain all the weight they lost within five years. Diets don't work. It is lifestyle changes that will help you to lose the weight in a healthy and permanent way. Chronic dieting in fact, can lead to serious health complications and even slow down your metabolism.
Before beginning any diet it is always a good idea to get a complete physical from your medical provider. Sometimes weight problems can be linked to underlying disease such as diabetes. One of the simplest techniques is to continue eating foods that you enjoy. The deprivation technique of most diets backfires on people. You will eventually give in to the cravings and spiral into overeating. You should think about the foods that you love and simply reduce the amount that you purchase and consume. For example, if you enjoy chocolate chip cookies you should still have a few throughout the week. This can be your "reward" snack. The concept is simple to follow. You will be able to satisfy your cravings and prevent binge eating. Just choose wisely and select a few of your favorite foods.
Mini-Meals: We are a culture that believes in consuming three large meals. But this eating style puts extra stress on our digestive system. It is far better to eat smaller meals that are nutritionally balanced. Your body will be able to metabolize the food more readily and you will also have increased energy throughout the day. You will lessen the likelihood of being hungry and eating things that are bad for you. For example, a breakfast could be a cup of oatmeal with raisins and honey. A mid morning snack could be fruit and yogurt. A small lunch could be a few ounces of turkey with cheese. The idea is to eat small meals that will provide you with the nutrients you need. Stay hydrated: Drinking lots of pure clean water helps you to lose weight. Whenever you feel hungry start by drinking a glass of water. You may simply be dehydrated. If it's hard for you to drink plain water you can add herbal tea. Brew and chill for a delicious calorie free beverage.
Protein is important: Many people avoid protein when trying to lose weight because they think it is too high in calories. This is simply not true. Of course, eating fattening red meats are high in calories. But proteins such as turkey, chicken and white pork are lean and low in calories. A 6 ounce portion of roasted turkey breast is less than 200 calories. There are many success stories of people who follow high protein diets and take off the weight. You have to balance your protein intake with adequate amounts of complex carbohydrates as well. Avoid simple carbohydrates which are sugar and white flour products. An ideal protein rich meal could be chicken with roasted vegetables and wild rice. Protein snacks include nuts, cheese and yogurt. Protein helps to preserve muscle mass. If you avoid protein when dieting you will lose muscle and feel tired and weak. Protein also helps your body to burn fat and improves the effectiveness of your metabolism.
Healthy Fiber: Fiber is effective for weight loss. Women should aim for 25 grams daily and men approximately 40 grams. You can find fiber in foods such as whole grains, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables. Fiber helps the digestive process and lowers your cholesterol. Increase your fiber intake for your health as well as for weight loss. Spices: Hot spices have been shown to speed up the metabolism and help in weight loss. Spices help to flavor foods and reduce the caloric levels of the foods you eat. Instead of adding fattening ingredients like butter and cheese, try adding some delicious spices like garlic, turmeric, cilantro, parsley and cayenne pepper.
Adequate Rest: If your body is stressed or you don't get enough sleep it will be harder for you to lose weight. Your body produces a hormone called leptin when you have enough rest. Leptin helps you to feel full and satisfied after eating. A decrease in this hormone can leave you feeling hungry even after eating. So make sure to get consistent and sufficient sleep. If you are under a great deal of stress you need to find constructive ways to deal with it. Prolonged stress can have devastating effects on your health and well-being.
These are some effective general guidelines for losing weight. When undertaking any dietary or lifestyle changes, always consult with your medical provider especially if you have been diagnosed with any disease or are taking prescription medication.
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By Tina C. Loren
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