
Best Abs Workouts - Fast Progress Using Exercises That Work

By Leesa Villafranca

Abs workouts are something people are very eager to do, as this is a body part everyone wants to work on. For this reason, there are new systems and exercise machines coming out every year that promise to revolutionize abs workouts. You can't get great abs by studying all of the conflicting information, though, so you also have to focus on doing some proven exercises. You'll find the following exercises and suggestions helpful as you devise your own personal ab workout program.

Is muscle mass a goal of yours? Are you a fitness center type of person, or do you like to workout at home. To reach the goals that you want to, as well as build your abdominal muscles, you need to use an approach that affects your entire body, not just your abs.

The Captain's Chair is a very useful piece of equipment for doing abs workouts. Every gym has one, and if you're really dedicated you may even get one for your home. The leg raise is the basic abs exercise you should be doing on the Captain's Chair. You start out by standing on the Captain's Chair, gripping the handholds comfortably. Raise your knees while keeping your upper body as relaxed and straight as possible. The slower and steadier the motion, the more you'll get out of this exercise. In a similarly steady motion, the legs come down; try to do ten repetitions and work your way up to three sets. Be careful to maintain control and proper form at all times, and your back should be straight but not arched.

So your body does not become accustomed to one particular workout, you want to do interval training which will force it to build muscle and lose fat much more quickly than ever before. Many people appreciate interval training because it allows their metabolism to stay at high levels long after the workout is over. Instead of doing 30 minutes of moderate cardio on a treadmill, you can do 20 minutes of interval training and you'll see faster results.

If you have a rowing machine, you really need to use it to build your abs up. If your goal is to build upper body strength and endurance, plus your core, this is an exercise machine you can't do without. It is easy to accomplish quite a bit in a short amount of time using this aerobic and strength building workout. In fact, half an hour on a treadmill is not as strenuous as 10 minutes on a rowing machine. Of course, add-ons some crunches to really target this region to develop your abdominals. However, you'll find that your abdominal muscles will develop faster if you do regular workouts on a rowing machine.

When doing workouts, 24 hours of rest is always recommended. It is important that you rest regularly. Without resting, your progress will slow down through overtraining. To rebuild your muscles the right way, sufficient sleep is also recommended so that your body can recover appropriately. There are so many types of ab workouts that it's important not to let yourself get distracted by it all. To have the abs you want, you have to maintain a healthy weight, so make sure you follow a balanced and complete fitness program. Doing a few good basic abs exercises such as planks, crunches and the bicycle will do a lot for your abs, as long as you also have good eating habits.

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