
The Importance Of Consuming Organic Raw Sugar

By Sharlene Fleming

Sugarcane is a plant that is grown in order to produce consumable sweeteners. Organic raw sugar or brown sugar undergoes a shorter process than the normal type. It has been proven fit for human consumption because it is healthier. It can be found in supermarkets and has a label in it that indicates that the product is certified.

The raw sugar we consume today is not different from the one the Asians consumed years back since it requires minimal processing. After the canes have been extracted, major impurities are removed before the second that entails drying of the juice. Residual molasses is further taken from the dried juice and the sucrose is turned into brown or white sugar which is the one we use at the table.

Sugarcane is naturally sweet. The natural sucrose made in the ancient days is just the same as the one made in the modern days. The same limited process it underwent has not changed because it is the one that has been found to be most suitable. The step of extracting canes is followed by the separating big impurities from the juice. The juice is then dried and residual molasses extracted. The sucrose is turned to raw sweeteners. White or brown raw sugar is produced and is ready for consumption.

After cutting the cane, the farmers take it to the factory where it is weighed and taken through the initial processes of obtaining the juice from it. A boiler is used to heat the juice. Afterwards, it is made to settle down as it cools to crystals. Workers take the crystals and pack them well. The method they use to handle determines whether or not the product contains what experts refer to as molasses concentrate. They should handle it with care and store it in a closed container because it has high moisture content. The raw type is rich in nutrients and is complex in flavor.

Some of the diseases associated with common glucose are obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart problems. Doctors recommend that you limit you daily intake of glucose to avoid such problems. Brown sugar does not undergo other chemical processes like the ordinary one does. It is also very nutritious and richer than the common type.

Diseases caused by ordinary sweeteners include high blood pressure, obesity, heart failure problem and obesity. This could be avoided by ensuring that the minimum daily requirement is observed. The natural sucrose is however nutritious. The prescriptions of the manufacturers should be strictly adhered to.

Calcium, iron compounds, phosphates and potassium are the nutrients found in the raw form. They can be helpful in the body if one takes the natural cane. On the other hand, the normal form does not have these nutrients. Even so, one should not limit himself to taking the raw type so as to get the nutrients. He can find other foods that contain the nutrients for supplement.

The government comes in to help the tropical cane farmers to get fine cane. It provides fertilizer and pesticides which kill pests and diseases that might attack the sugarcane plant. Cancer can be brought by a pest found in plants if the plantation is not taken good care of. This is why the organic raw sugar is best as it has no harmful organisms to cause diseases.

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