
Five Steps To A More Muscular Body

By Russ Howe

Ask any fitness trainer in any gym and they will tell you that despite the massive advancements made in science and nutrition over the last two decades the majority of gym users are still totally confused when it comes to learning how to build muscle or improve their overall physique.

If you're one of the many who feel lost on this topic we're going to help you right now.

There are a number of different strategies you can use, a number of different physics which work. In fact one of the biggest barriers in the fitness industry in general is the sheer amount of different styles and techniques out there. What should be a great asset and provide great variation instead serves only to confuse the majority and they end up getting nowhere, unable to commit to anything for fear that in three months they'll be told everything they have been doing is 'wrong'.

Make no mistake about it, there is more than one way to get fit, to lose weight and to get big. Embracing that fact will generally help you rather than hinder you.

On this page we will be delving into the list of fundamental steps which form the basis of a good strength and size workout plan as well as nutrition guide. Whether you are a complete newcomer to resistance training, somebody who has never even stepped foot inside a gym before or someone who has been training for a while but never truly got the results they were pushing for, you will get something out of today's article.

Before you head off to the gym you need to do something which will build the starting blocks for your future results. Muscle ain't built in a workout, it's built in the kitchen. If your diet plan is off you will not get the results your hard work on the iron is worth.

So, the first thing we must do is assess your body's desired calories per day. Everybody is different and most people do not have access to the scientific equipment necessary to determine their exact calorie needs each day so we're going to share with you a proven calculation to determine a useful ballpark figure.

Simply by taking your desired bodyweight, in pounds, and multiplying by twelve or fifteen you will be able to set a ballpark figure for your daily calorific needs. Choose fifteen if your goal is all-out size, choose twelve if you want to get bigger but not pack on a lot of size in the process.

So we now have a base figure for our diet. This already puts you ahead of the majority of other people training at your gym because despite it being very simple, most fitness enthusiasts never take the time to learn how to do this and wonder why they never get results.

Your training program will need attention too, naturally. Your workouts cannot be just random and they cannot be built to simply suit your personal tastes. When people ask us where they went wrong it's common to discover that they've simply been leaving in their favorite exercises and cutting anything which didn't feed their ego quite as much. Compound exercises are the spine of your routine, build your workout around your big lifts for maximum results and try to aim your rep range in the muscle growth zone, which is eight to twelve reps.

You are now coming along swimmingly and should be feeling very confident in yourself here. The next two steps cover less obvious points which are often overlooked.

The amount of rest you get is paramount to your results. Many of us dismiss the importance of rest and believe we don't really need it as much as doctor's and scientists tend to make out. That's their loss, don't let it be your downfall. Your body needs rest just as much as it needs a healthy diet and exercise.

You should try to hit the weights no more than three times per week if you are just starting out and no more than four times if you are already training regularly. Think of a rest day as a growth day, so it doesn't feel as if you are doing nothing with your time. This is where you grow, where your body builds.

Finally we would like to bring sleep to you attention. That's correct, how much sleep you get at night is going to directly affect your journey to a bigger, better body. While you sleep your body recovers from the day's expenditure. If you've put in a tough gym session today your body will work while you sleep with the release of natural growth hormone to ensure that you wake up tomorrow a little bit stronger and tougher than you were twenty four hours ago. Miss out on a good night's sleep at your peril.

Natural growth hormone is released while your body recuperates from the day's work. If you don't get a decent night of sleep and you like to be up again on just a couple of hours rest you will notice it becomes much harder to get any results with your fitness. Your gym sessions will suffer as will your mood in general.

How are things going so far? Have you managed to stay with us as we've got through the steps? Well here is the good news, you're actually finished. Easier than you thought it was going to be, wasn't it? If you have been asking how to build muscle for years and not getting anywhere you are now firmly in a position from which you can build the body you have always aspired to own. You didn't even need to hire a personal trainer to do it.

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