
Benefits Of Whole Food Supplements

By Soussan Evans

Whole food supplements are beginning to gain in popularity over multivitamins. People are finding that the advantages of small amounts of nutrients in whole food supplements, like Juice Plus for example, outweigh those of a large amount of them in multivitamins. This is because of how the body uses the nutrients.

The body absorbs nutrients over a period of time and usually over the duration of a few hours. Any nutrients not absorbed over that period are wasted, making taking them a relative few time more advantageous than taking a lot at the same time. The body simply does not get what it needs by using multivitamins.

Whole food supplements can also be used for specific reasons. For example, if a person is about to engage in strenuous exercises or mental gymnastics in order to get the body going, or used during the exercises in order to replenish any vitamins that the body may have lost due to sweating. They can also be used to get the system balanced after the exercises are over as well.

After understanding when these supplements should be used, it is essential to learn which ones will work best without spending a fortune. One of the most effective is bee pollen. It is an organic substance that increases energy and also helps to restore the body.

Like bee pollen, many other additional whole food supplements, including chlorella, alfalfa and spirulina, are inexpensive and provide a variety of health benefits to individuals who use them. Individuals take bee pollen because is a good source for animal protein. Alfalfa, spirulina and chlorella contain a variety of nutrients including vegetable proteins, which are also beneficial to health.

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